English-Hindi > handmaid
handmaid meaning in Hindi
sound : handmaid sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. Ugly hags, powerful and evil, handmaids of the devil. 2. Handmaids , manservants, footmen, butlers _ how terribly quaint!3. When a handmaid is reassigned, her name changes with her. 4. Rachel offers her handmaid to Jacob and two sons are born. 5. The Handmaids took control of one of Lissner's schools. 6. G . " The Handmaid 's Tale" 7. Another handmaid named Ofglen is assigned as Offred's shopping partner. 8. Philosophy is characterized as a handmaid to faith that humbly accepts revelation. 9. Moira eventually manages to escape while other Handmaids graduate from the Centre. 10. In fact, religion had become the handmaid of voice and folly.
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Meaning a personal maid or female attendant Synonyms: handmaiden , in a subordinate position; "theology should be the handmaiden of ethics"; "the state cannot be a servant of the church" Synonyms: handmaiden , servant ,
How to say handmaid in Hindi and what is the meaning of handmaid in Hindi? handmaid Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.