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English-Hindi > gelatinlike

gelatinlike meaning in Hindi

gelatinlike sentence in Hindi
1.The secret is in sauce _ a precise mixture of agar, a gelatinlike substance, nutrients and plant hormones.

2.Because leeks contain a natural gelatinlike substance, the filling holds together beautifully, whether served hot, warm or at room temperature.

3.The cooks at Oliveto use almost every part, even boiling down the skin for a gelatinlike substance to enrich sauces and aspics.

4.Instead of employing collagen for the skin's structural scaffolding, he mixes the skin cells with a gelatinlike compound that hardens as it warms to body temperature, so the graft sticks and stays stuck.

How to say gelatinlike in Hindi and what is the meaning of gelatinlike in Hindi? gelatinlike Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.