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English-Hindi > gatekeepers

gatekeepers meaning in Hindi

gatekeepers sentence in Hindi
1.We English teachers are the gatekeepers.
हम इंग्लिश अध्यापक वो चौकीदर हैं।

2.The shrine doors are generally guarded by relief sculptures of two armed dvarapalas , or gatekeepers , one on each side .
मंदिर कक्ष के दरवाजों पर सामान्यतया दोनों और दो सशस्त्र द्वारपाल उत्कीर्ण होते हैं .

How to say gatekeepers in Hindi and what is the meaning of gatekeepers in Hindi? gatekeepers Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.