English-Hindi > fuzz
fuzz meaning in Hindi
sound : verb past tense: fuzzed verb past participle: fuzzed noun plural: fuzzes verb present participle: fuzzing
fuzz sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. And right now, golf is beating the fuzz off tennis. 2. I barely had a mustache and peach fuzz on my chin. 3. The team is an intriguing mix of peach fuzz and graybeards. 4. I kept getting this total fuzz and the radio breaking up. 5. One guitar was recorded with fuzz effects, the other without. 6. MacDonald also plays with fuzz rock group'Valley Floor '. 7. The company's most famous product is the Fuzz Factory. 8. Is there any relevant fuzz about this in the mathematical community? 9. The most basic of all is a " Fuzz box ". 10. Successful recruitment is indicated by the presence of a white fuzz .
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Meaning the first beard of an adolescent boy a hazy or indistinct representation; "it happened so fast it was just a blur"; "he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz" Synonyms: blur , uncomplimentary terms for a policeman Synonyms: bull , cop , copper , pig , filamentous hairlike growth on a plant; "peach fuzz" Synonyms: hair , tomentum ,
How to say fuzz in Hindi and what is the meaning of fuzz in Hindi? fuzz Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.