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fulvous meaning in Hindi

fulvous sentence in Hindi
1.The hindwings are similar, but the fulvous band is curved.

2.The forewings are fulvous, irrorated with large erect black scales.

3.The forewings are silvery grey with a fulvous-orange base.

4.The hindwings are white with a very slight fulvous brown tinge.

5.There is also an indistinct, waved, fulvous subterminal line.

6.The forewings are whitish yellow with the costal edge fulvous ochreous.

7.The forewings are glossy fulvous ochreous, with strong silvery iridescence.

8.The fulvous tints are exceedingly bright, covering the hind and forelegs.

9.There is an orbicular of two brown bars, filled with fulvous.

10.In female, it is much more orange fulvous colored.

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How to say fulvous in Hindi and what is the meaning of fulvous in Hindi? fulvous Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.