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English-Hindi > flute

flute meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ flu:t ]  sound:  
verb past tense: fluted   verb past participle: fluted   noun plural: flutes   verb present participle: fluting   
flute sentence in Hindi
1.The kuzhal was a flute and the maddalam a drum .
कुराल एक प्रकार की बांसुरी थी और मद्दलम् एक प्रकार का ढोल .

2.Sweet memories will restore to the flute its lost melody . . .
पुरानी स्मृतियां बांसुरी को उसकी खोई लय में संजोयेंगी .

3.In this case , it means just bamboo and the connection between the flute and the word is patent .
यहां वेणु का अर्थ बांस से है तथा बांस एवं वेणु का संबंध पक्का है ही .

4.The two flutes are placed together inside the mouth and blown into at the same time .
दो बांसुरी एक साथ मुंह में रखी जाती हैं और एक ही साथ फूंक भी मारी जाती है .

5.24 Bansuri ; beak flute The horizontal flute is the best known and most popular throughout the country .
( 24 ) आड़ी बांसुरी संपूर्ण देश में सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय और सुपरिचित है .

6.24 Bansuri ; beak flute The horizontal flute is the best known and most popular throughout the country .
( 24 ) आड़ी बांसुरी संपूर्ण देश में सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय और सुपरिचित है .

7.This was the first flute .
यह पहली बांसुरी थी .

8.The flute now being described , the horizontal or cross flute , is closed at one end and open at the other .
अब जिस आड़ी वंशी का वर्णन किया जा रहा है वह एक सिरे पर खुली और दूसरी ओर बंद होती है .

9.The flute now being described , the horizontal or cross flute , is closed at one end and open at the other .
अब जिस आड़ी वंशी का वर्णन किया जा रहा है वह एक सिरे पर खुली और दूसरी ओर बंद होती है .

10.At midnight the ' Chan ' -LRB- the drummers -RRB- sit on someone 's rooftop and begin to play their drums and flutes .
आधी रात गए चाण ( नागारा वादक ) किसी के घर की छत पर बैठकर बांसूरी आदि के साथ नगाड़े बजाना आरंभ करते

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a high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
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a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
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a tall narrow wineglass
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form flutes in

How to say flute in Hindi and what is the meaning of flute in Hindi? flute Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.