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English-Hindi > fermium

fermium meaning in Hindi

fermium sentence in Hindi
1.Only valence 3 was observed for californium, einsteinium and fermium.

2.The even shorter half-life element fermium has also been suggested

3.It was never expected that we would get a picture for fermium.

4.The elements beyond fermium cannot be produced in this way.

5.Choppin is sometimes credited with co-discovering the elements einsteinium and fermium.

6.After production, the fermium must be separated from other actinides and from lanthanide fission products.

7.Now only promethium and fermium don't have images; any help is obviously appreciated!

8.Other elements that are named after people include fermium, einsteinium, curium, and gadolinium.

9.Two new elements, einsteinium and fermium, were produced by intensely concentrated neutron flux about the detonation site.

10.They were able to detect alpha decays from fermium isotopes, assigned as descendants of the decay of 262 Hs.

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a radioactive transuranic metallic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons
Synonyms: Fm, atomic number 100,

How to say fermium in Hindi and what is the meaning of fermium in Hindi? fermium Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.