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equitation meaning in Hindi

equitation sentence in Hindi
1.Equitation classes judge the form and ability of the rider.

2.The Morgan equivalent of this class is called Classic Saddle Seat Equitation.

3.The United States Equestrian Federation outlines the rules for Dressage Seat Equitation.

4.Equitation over fences courses test a rider's skill and form.

5.A " flat " jump is often desirable in hunt seat equitation.

6.In her childhood, Anne studied piano, dance but also equitation.

7.It is not used in dressage, hunt seat, or equitation.

8.His method of equitation consisted, in his own words, of:

9.Saddle seat equitation classes are also offered for junior riders.

10.Palatine Stables focuses primarily on hunter / jumper and equitation.

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the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements
Synonyms: riding, horseback riding,

How to say equitation in Hindi and what is the meaning of equitation in Hindi? equitation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.