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embrace meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ im'breis ]  sound:  
verb past tense: embraced   verb past participle: embraced   noun plural: embraces   verb present participle: embracing   
embrace sentence in Hindi
1.To embrace the idea, at a young age, of being entrepreneurial,
छोटी उम्र में ही उद्यमशीलता को गले लगाने दें,

2.But I did come to embrace this new identity.
लेकिन मैं अपनी इस नई पहचान से बहुत अच्छे से जुड़ गई.

3.She embraced him in a rush of happiness .
खुशी की रौ में बहकर उसने पॉल को अपनी बाहों में भर लिया ।

4.Is just about embracing your inner three year-old.
अपने भीतर उस तीन-वर्षीय बालक का अनुभव करने से है.

5.They fully embraced vulnerability.
उनहोंने पूरी तरह अपनी अतिसंवेदनशीलता को अपनाया।

6.It will take embracing the world with both arms.
इसके लिये हमें सारी दुनिया दोनो हाथों से गले लगाना होगा।

7.embracing your inner three year-old
अपने भीतर के तीन-वर्षीय बालक को गले से लगायेंगे

8.Now, notice that the leader embraces him as an equal.
अब देखिए नेता कैसे उसे अपने समान दर्जा देकर गले लगाता है.

9.To have the courage to embrace both love and power.
प्रेम और ताकत दोनों को साथ ले कर चलने की हिम्मत दिखायी है।

10.Their jurisdiction embraced the entire province .
उनकी अधिकारिता में पूरा प्रांत आता था .

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a close affectionate and protective acceptance; "his willing embrace of new ideas"; "in the bosom of the family"
Synonyms: bosom,

the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
Synonyms: embracing, embracement,

the state of taking in or encircling; "an island in the embrace of the sea"

take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one''s own; "She embraced Catholicism"; "They adopted the Jewish faith"
Synonyms: espouse, adopt, sweep up,

squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him"
Synonyms: hug, bosom, squeeze,

include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one''s sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
Synonyms: encompass, comprehend, cover,

How to say embrace in Hindi and what is the meaning of embrace in Hindi? embrace Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.