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dumpsite meaning in Hindi

dumpsite sentence in Hindi
1.The 70-degree slope at the dumpsite is very dangerous.

2.Dumpsite fires are mostly caused by either scavengers or methane gas.

3.He said there were a total of 17 dumpsites in the State.

4.Dumpsite may have to be outside the municipality, NEW STRAITS TIMES-

5.Over time, vegetation settled and began to grow atop the dumpsite.

6.This has often dictated what engines can be salvaged from the dumpsite.

7.Dumpsite where three workers were killed may be shut down

8.He added there were 176 dumpsites throughout Peninsular Malaysia.

9.There are 28 dumpsites in Perak but only nine had been fenced up.

10.Building the dumpsite is a task of national importance,

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How to say dumpsite in Hindi and what is the meaning of dumpsite in Hindi? dumpsite Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.