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English-Hindi > droll

droll meaning in Hindi

droll sentence in Hindi
1.Whitehead may well be the world's most droll person.

2.In it, she takes a droll view of the game.

3.Aki Kaurismaki's droll " Drifting Clouds,"

4.It's a droll blend of urban comedy and angst.

5.The convention was a weekend of lectures, serious and droll.

6."Boogie Nights " is also a droll movie.

7.Foreshadowing the friction to come, Jeffords offered a droll retort.

8.Dustin Hoffman is especially droll as Barrie's American producer.

9.He was one of the great drolls of our time ".

10.Her records exhibit a rare, radiant and very droll wit.

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comical in an odd or whimsical manner; "a droll little man with a quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor"

How to say droll in Hindi and what is the meaning of droll in Hindi? droll Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.