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dolours meaning in Hindi

dolours sentence in Hindi
1.The group supporting Mellus was based in Our Lady of Dolours.

2.Dolores was raised as a Lady of the Seven Dolours.

3.Shane was the leader of Seattle band Dolour from 1997 to 2007.

4.The album was produced by Blake Wescott and Dolour.

5.In 2005, Pecknold toured as a bassist with Seattle's Dolour.

6.It was carved out of the mother parish, Our Lady of Dolours.

7.Our Lady of Dolours Church in Kainady village stands on land donated by him.

8.Ellen Dolour's parents were both teachers.

9.Oral historians at Boston College interviewed both Dolours Price and Brendan Hughes between 2001 and 2006.

10.The relic of Don Bosco was displayed at Our Lady of Dolours Church on 13 August 2011.

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How to say dolours in Hindi and what is the meaning of dolours in Hindi? dolours Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.