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docent meaning in Hindi

docent sentence in Hindi
1.What else : Docent-led hikes are offered every Saturday.

2.Some houses on the grounds will have docents in period costume.

3.She also was a docent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

4.The docents spoke eloquently about Eveleth and the permanent collection pieces.

5.Docent tours are offered on Mondays at 2 p . m.

6.High school and college students will be docents at each site.

7.Docents also are on hand to answer questions and lead tours.

8.Cathedral docents offer two guided tours that provide an excellent introduction.

9.The professional and docent staffs are extraordinarily cordial and unerringly informed.

10.Besides, most of the docents stand ready to provide that.

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a teacher at some universities

How to say docent in Hindi and what is the meaning of docent in Hindi? docent Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.