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desired meaning in Hindi

desired sentence in Hindi
1.Desired and optimistic effects
अपेक्षित एवं आशातीत प्रभाव

2.Desired and expected effect
अपेक्षित एवं आशातीत प्रभाव

3.The books being published by California, however, leave much to be desired. Yes, there are apolitical inquiries into mammal evolution and Mark Twain's final years, but a uniform leftist tone of hostility toward established institutions and an embrace of the radical fringe characterize the list. The first category includes many assaults on the American government. Quotes here and throughout draw on catalogue copy and blurbs:
वैसे कैलिफोर्निया द्वारा प्रकाशित पुस्तकों में काफी कुछ मनोनुकूल होता है . स्तनधारियों के विकास और मार्क ट्वेन के अंतिम वर्षों की अराजनैतिक खोज है परन्तु इस सूची में मुख्यरुप से स्थापित मान्यताओं के विरुद्ध समान वामपंथी तेवर तथा अलग-थलग पड़े आतंकवादियों का स्वरुप ही अधिक प्रकट होता है .

greatly desired
Synonyms: coveted, in demand, sought after,

wanted intensely; "the child could no longer resist taking one of the craved cookies"; "it produced the desired effect"
Synonyms: craved,

How to say desired in Hindi and what is the meaning of desired in Hindi? desired Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.