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English-Hindi > deliciouses

deliciouses meaning in Hindi

deliciouses sentence in Hindi
1.Red Delicious apples and green Granny Smiths shine with crisp promise.

2.The Forelle has juicy white flesh and thick, delicious skin.

3."They're versatile and they're delicious.

4.Looking for a delicious new way to use leftover sweet potatoes?

5.We sat in the kitchen for coffee and delicious homemade rolls.

6.When its quality is high, however, mackerel is delicious.

7.This tastes very different, but delicious, the authors say.

8.It's detailed, delicious and hard to put down.

9.I make the crap into credible, the dull into delicious.

10.Check it out, it is delicious and low-fat.

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How to say deliciouses in Hindi and what is the meaning of deliciouses in Hindi? deliciouses Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.