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dehumidifier meaning in Hindi

dehumidifier sentence in Hindi
1.How can I keep it dry, except with a dehumidifier?

2.You might also consider installing a dehumidifier to control the humidity.

3.Q . My dehumidifier drains into the drainpipe of my washing machine.

4.And, on dry days, you may not need the dehumidifier.

5._Use a dehumidifier to collect water in the air.

6.If you use a dehumidifier, remember that it needs regular attention.

7.A dehumidifier controlled by a humidistat is also an option.

8.The novel idea is a modified version of a dehumidifier.

9.She had to vacuum up the water and haul out a dehumidifier.

10.A dehumidifier may also be appropriate for removing airborne moisture.

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How to say dehumidifier in Hindi and what is the meaning of dehumidifier in Hindi? dehumidifier Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.