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decrement meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'dekrimənt ]  sound:  
decrement sentence in Hindi
1.In some cases the vigilance decrement was eliminated or not apparent.

2.:Deletion decrements the count for pages that would have counted.

3.Keeping this page does not decrement Wikipedia's quality.

4.It decrements as memory is filled with all the background operating stuff.

5.Destroying a reference decrements the total weight by the weight of that reference.

6.In increment operator and two minus signs a decrement.

7.If so then I can't decrement, otherwise I can ."

8.There was also an inverse form, Decrement and Skip if Not Zero.

9.A significant decrement in cardiac stroke volume was associated with diminished exercise tolerance.

10.It was not clear whether the exercise decrement had its onset during flight.

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the amount by which something decreases
Synonyms: decrease,

a process of becoming smaller or shorter
Synonyms: decrease,

How to say decrement in Hindi and what is the meaning of decrement in Hindi? decrement Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.