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English-Hindi > cowmen

cowmen meaning in Hindi

cowmen sentence in Hindi
1.Legitimate cowmen were instead referred to as cattle herders or ranchers.

2.Cowman, 25, told British Broadcasting Corp . radio.

3.Legitimate cowmen were referred to as cattle herders or ranchers.

4.Cowman 20 : 37, 17 November 2005 ( UTC)

5.The brothers came out with " Cowman, Milk Your Cow ".

6.He was as good a cowman as they come,

7.Besides, what else can a cowman do with no cows to tend?

8.Dan, the CowMan 04 : 32, 13 November 2006 ( UTC)

9.Kelton said Proctor was " a prototype of the genuine cowman ."

10.We had cowmen here before we had cowmen in Texas and in the Midwest.

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How to say cowmen in Hindi and what is the meaning of cowmen in Hindi? cowmen Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.