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English-Hindi > corruptive

corruptive meaning in Hindi

corruptive sentence in Hindi
1.Does money indeed have such a strong corruptive influence on our value system?

2.The corruptive intoxication of power knows no gender.

3.Nor was there resistance which would be corruptive or repressive of that impetus ."

4.Once those corruptive critters are gone, your picture looks great and you feel great.

5.All are schooled regularly in ethics courses to fight the corruptive influence of the traffickers.

6.Money is a corruptive influence on politics.

7.Instead he suggested an improvement in internal mechanisms including heavy punishments to deter corruptive practices.

8.Many who would otherwise have acted have been intimidated into inaction by this corruptive climate.

9."He's disruptive, corruptive, corrosive, boorish and embarrassing,"

10.Nobody can tell me that in this case the death penalty element was not uniquely corruptive.

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tending to corrupt or pervert
Synonyms: perversive, pestiferous,

How to say corruptive in Hindi and what is the meaning of corruptive in Hindi? corruptive Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.