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constantly meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'kɔnstəntli ]  sound:  
constantly sentence in Hindi
1.I refused and was constantly denied a party ticket . ”
मैं पूरा नहीं कर सकती थी इसीलिए टिकट नहीं मिल . ' '

2.Sages and spiritual leaders would constantly assemble at his place.
साधु संतों का तो घर में जमावड़ा रहता ही था।

3.Human knowledge is constantly increasing.
मनुष्य के ज्ञान ‎की सतह निरंतर ऊंची होती जा रही है।

4.To a nation that is constantly at the brink of war?
एक ऐसे राष्ट्र को जो लगातार युद्ध की कगार पर रहता है?

5.By constantly putting obstacles and barriers in our way.
लगातार हमारे रास्ते में रोडे-रुकावटें पैदा कर के।

6.And then so, one had to constantly innovate.
और फिर लगातार हमें नई से नई जुगाड लगानी होती थी।

7.It's so sad that we constantly say,
ये बहुत दुख की बात है कि हम हमेशा कहते रहते हैं कि

8.It keeps constantly growing , evolving .
यह निरंतर पनपता रहता है , पल्लवित होता रहता है .

9.And we're constantly discovering amazing things
और हम लगातार अद्भुत चीजों की खोज कर रहे हैं

10.And so this object is constantly expanding and contracting
और यह चीज़ हमेशा बढ़ती और घटती रहती है

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without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"
Synonyms: always, forever, perpetually, incessantly, always, forever, perpetually, incessantly,

without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"
Synonyms: invariably, always, invariably, always,

without interruption; "the world is constantly changing"
Synonyms: always, forever, perpetually, incessantly, always, forever, perpetually, incessantly,

without variation or change, in every case; "constantly kind and gracious"; "he always arrives on time"
Synonyms: invariably, always, invariably, always,

How to say constantly in Hindi and what is the meaning of constantly in Hindi? constantly Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.