1. It features some well-turned phrases, and it is considerately brief. 2. The place, the food, the people so considerately looking after you. 3. Stark is killed but she is treated considerately . 4. Several students scrambled up on the car to speak, after considerately removing their shoes. 5. Even toward strangers, he acted considerately . 6. Although the captives were treated considerately , Shelton appears to have taken his captivity poorly. 7. My father considerately booked us on the Shatabdi ( Century ) Express from Madras to Bangalore. 8. He behaved correctly and considerately with both, although the latter was an extremely difficult inmate. 9. "Would one of you like to drive ? " he considerately and politely asked. 10. "While he tapped the keyboard, elephants wandered past, considerately avoiding the houseboat's gangplank.