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English-Hindi > considerately

considerately meaning in Hindi

considerately sentence in Hindi
1.It features some well-turned phrases, and it is considerately brief.

2.The place, the food, the people so considerately looking after you.

3.Stark is killed but she is treated considerately.

4.Several students scrambled up on the car to speak, after considerately removing their shoes.

5.Even toward strangers, he acted considerately.

6.Although the captives were treated considerately, Shelton appears to have taken his captivity poorly.

7.My father considerately booked us on the Shatabdi ( Century ) Express from Madras to Bangalore.

8.He behaved correctly and considerately with both, although the latter was an extremely difficult inmate.

9."Would one of you like to drive ? " he considerately and politely asked.

10."While he tapped the keyboard, elephants wandered past, considerately avoiding the houseboat's gangplank.

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in a considerate manner; "they considerately withdrew"

in a considerate manner; "they considerately withdrew"

How to say considerately in Hindi and what is the meaning of considerately in Hindi? considerately Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.