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compounding meaning in Hindi

compounding sentence in Hindi
1.Secondly , the greed of our forest contractors is compounding the problem .
दूसरा कारण है हमारे जंगलों के ठेकेदारों का लालच , जो समस्या को और गंभीर बना देता है .

2.For compounding the Muslims ' problems is the campaign calling for an economic boycott of the community .
जाहिर है , यह काम भत क इन है क्योंकि लुटे-पिटे मुसलमानों की समस्या को जटिल बना रहा है इस समुदाय के आर्थिक बहिष्कार का अभियान .

3.Compounding the woes is the economic slowdown that has taken its biggest toll on the salaried class in terms of job loss and lower or no salary increments .
इन सबके ऊपर आर्थिक मंदी ने वेतनभोगी तबके पर कहर ढा रखा है , जिसके कारण नौकरियां जा रही हैं और वेतन-भत्तएं में बढेतरी घटी है या शून्य हो गई है .

4.Democrats pretend to be pro-Israel (for electoral reasons) even as they cool to the Jewish state (for ideological reasons). Their distortions are becoming increasingly ineffectual, blatant, and squalid. Sep. 11, 2012 updates : (1) Compounding two of the deceits above, asked on CNN about the amendment debacle, Debbie Wasserman Schultz insisted on their being only “a smattering of opposition.” Someone get her a hearing aid, quick.
नेशनल जेविश डेमोक्रेटिक काउंसिल वीडियो , ” What Do Israelis Think of Obama? ने वास्तव में इजरायलवासियों द्वारा ओबामा विरोधी बयानों को अपने ढंग से तोडा मरोडा और उन्हें ओबामा समर्थक बना दिया।

the act of combining things to form a new whole
Synonyms: combination, combining,

How to say compounding in Hindi and what is the meaning of compounding in Hindi? compounding Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.