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colombian meaning in Hindi

colombian sentence in Hindi
1.In second place was Hernan Buenahora, a Colombian with Kelme.

2.A preliminary Colombian investigation concluded that the tapes had been edited.

3.Also unlike his uncle, he did business with the Colombians.

4.Bogota : The Colombian Bankers Association holds seminar on futures markets.

5.Colombian President Ernesto Samper celebrated his first anniversary in office today.

6.Colombians want to get to the bottom of this brewing scandal.

7.He said 86 Colombians would be flown home late Monday night.

8.Polls show a majority of Colombians believe Samper will be absolved.

9.According to Colombian radio reports, four people may have survived.

10.Colombian radio reported there may be at least one more survivor.

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How to say colombian in Hindi and what is the meaning of colombian in Hindi? colombian Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.