It is the duty -LRB- of the Brahman -RRB- , if he wants to cohabit with a wife to get a child , to perform a sacrifice to the fire called earbhadhana : On pregnancy and childbed but he does not perform it , because it requires the presence of the woman , and therefore he feels ashamed to do so . गर्भ और प्रसव ब्राह्मण का यह कर्तवऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-य है कि यदि वह संतानोतऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-पि
After the four days have elapsed and she has washed , she is pure again , and the husband may cohabit with her , even if the blood has not yet entirely disappeared ; for this blood is not considered as that of the menstrual courses , but as the same substance-matter of which the embryos consist . चार दिन बीत जाने के बाद जब वह स्नान कर लेती है तो वह फिर पवित्र हो जाती है और अपने पति को उससे सहवास की अनुमति होती है चाहे तब तक रक़्त-स्राव बिल्कुल समाप्त न हुआ हो.ऐसा मानने का कारण यह है कि उस रक़्त को रज : स्राव का रक़्त नहीं माना जाता बल्कि उसे वही तत्व माना जाता है जिसमें भ्रूण होता है .
The longest duration of the menstrual courses which has been observed is sixteen days , but in reality they last only during the first Duration of the menstrual courses four days , and then the husband is not allowed to cohabit with his wife , nor even to come near her in the house , because during this time she is impure . रजःस्राव की अवधि मासिक धर्म की जो दीर्घतम अवधि देखी गऋ है वह सोलह दिन है किंतु वासऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-तव में रजःस्राव पहले चार दिन तक रहता है और तब पति को अपनी पतऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-नी से संभोग करने बल्कि घर में उसके समीप जाने की भी अनुमति नहीं होती , कऋ-ऊण्श्छ्ष्-योंकि इस दऋरान वह अपवित्र होती है .
share living quarters; usually said of people who are not married and live together as a couple Synonyms: live together, shack up,
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