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chairman meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'tʃɛəmən ]  sound:  
noun plural: chairmen   
chairman sentence in Hindi
1.One of these will be the Chairman , who will be a lawyer .
इन में से एक चेअरमैन होगा , जो कि वकिल होगा .

2.The chairman said ' You're a very obdurate young man '.
अध्यक्ष ने कहा, 'तुम बहुत ही जिद्दी युवक हो. '

3.APPOINTED : G.N . Bajpai , as chairman of sebi .
नियुक्तः जी.एन.बाजपेयी सेबी अध्यक्ष के पद पर .

4.Chairman 's Foreword to the Report Summary
रिपोर्ट के सारांश पर चेयरमैन की प्रस्तावना .

5.He becomes the chairman for new speaker election process.
2. नवीन स्पीकर चुनाव प्रक्रिया का अध्यक्ष भी वही बनता है

6.The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee .
राज्य सभा का सभापति समिति का पदेन सभापति होता है .

7.The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is the ex-officio Chairman of the Committee .
राज्य सभा का सभापति समिति का पदेन सभापति होता है .

8.The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha .
भारत का उपराष्ट्रति राज्य सभा का पदेन सभापति होता है .

9.There's some puzzlement about Mahmoud Abbas, the new chairman of the Palestinian Authority. Does he accept Israel's existence or want to destroy it?
किस रास्ते जायेंगे अब्बास?

10.If you need other breaks , you should ask the chairman .
यदि आप को अधिक ब्रेक की ज़रुरत है , तो आप अध्यक्ष से कह सकते हैं .

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the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization; "address your remarks to the chairperson"
Synonyms: president, chairwoman, chair, chairperson,

act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university; "She chaired the department for many years"
Synonyms: chair,

How to say chairman in Hindi and what is the meaning of chairman in Hindi? chairman Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.