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captainship meaning in Hindi

captainship sentence in Hindi
1.When it comes to captains, tendulkar was most successful under captainship of azhar.
जहां तक कप्तानों का सवाल है तो तेंडुलकर सबसे अधिक सफल अजहर की कप्तानी में ही रहे।

2.However in his own captainship he was not that successful and only made 2454 runs in 73 matches with an average of 37.75.
हालांकि स्वयं की कप्तानी में वह अधिक सफल नहीं रहे और 73 मैच में 37.75 की औसत से 2454 रन ही बना पाए।

3.He made 6270 runs in 160 matches under captainship of azhar whereas he made 4490 runs in 101 matches under ganguly.
उन्होंने अजहर के कप्तान रहते हुए 160 मैच में 6270 रन बनाए जबकि गांगुली की कप्तानी में 101 मैच में 4490 रन ठोंके।

the post of captain
Synonyms: captaincy,

How to say captainship in Hindi and what is the meaning of captainship in Hindi? captainship Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.