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callinectes meaning in Hindi

callinectes sentence in Hindi
1."Callinectes sapidus " is subject to a number of diseases and parasites.

2.An important aspect of the local fishing is the Blue crab ( Callinectes amnicola ).

3.Our quarry was the Atlantic blue crab _ Callinectes sapidus to marine biologists, which means " savory beautiful swimmer " in Latin.

4.Other species of " Callinectes " may be easily confused with " C . sapidus " because of overlapping ranges and similar morphology.

5.In the United States, the main species is the " blue crab, " " Callinectes sapidus ", which appears in markets from April to September.

6.*The oxygen binding effectiveness of hemocyanin in the blue crab " Callinectes sapidus " varies according to the concentration of two factors, calcium ion concentration, and hydrogen ion concentration.

7.Invertebrates include the gastropod molluscs " Pachymelania " spp . and " Tympanotonos fuscatus ", and the crustaceans " Farfantepenaeus duorarum " and " Callinectes latimanus ".

8.The title and theme of the film were inspired by the Latin name for the Chesapeake Bay's indigenous Maryland blue crab  " Callinectes sapidus "  " Callinectes " translates as " beautiful swimmers ."

9.The title and theme of the film were inspired by the Latin name for the Chesapeake Bay's indigenous Maryland blue crab  " Callinectes sapidus "  " Callinectes " translates as " beautiful swimmers ."

10.Commercial fisheries activities include the harvest of northern quahog ( " Mercenaria mercenaria " ), blue crab ( " Callinectes sapidus " ), white perch, winter flounder, and American eel ( " Anguilla rostrata " ).

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How to say callinectes in Hindi and what is the meaning of callinectes in Hindi? callinectes Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.