Amanat Khan who was from Shiraj, Iran was the main calligraphist. अमानत खाँ जो कि शिराज़ ईरान से था मुख्य सुलेखना कर्त्ता था।
He was a fine calligraphist , a student of Sufi philosophy , a Persian scholar of eminence and a poet , Ibrahim Zauq and Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib , two of the greatest poets of his age , were his poetry tutors . वह सूफी दर्शन के अध्येता , फारसी के विद्वान , सुलेखन में दक्ष और शायर थे.उनके युग के दो महान शायर इब्राहिम ज़ौक और असद उल्ला खां ग़ालिब शायरी में उनके गुरु थे .
someone skilled in penmanship Synonyms: calligrapher,
How to say calligraphist in Hindi and what is the meaning of calligraphist in Hindi? calligraphist Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by