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English-Hindi > calligraphist

calligraphist meaning in Hindi

calligraphist sentence in Hindi
1.Amanat Khan who was from Shiraj, Iran was the main calligraphist.
अमानत खाँ जो कि शिराज़ ईरान से था मुख्य सुलेखना कर्त्ता था।

2.He was a fine calligraphist , a student of Sufi philosophy , a Persian scholar of eminence and a poet , Ibrahim Zauq and Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib , two of the greatest poets of his age , were his poetry tutors .
वह सूफी दर्शन के अध्येता , फारसी के विद्वान , सुलेखन में दक्ष और शायर थे.उनके युग के दो महान शायर इब्राहिम ज़ौक और असद उल्ला खां ग़ालिब शायरी में उनके गुरु थे .

someone skilled in penmanship
Synonyms: calligrapher,

How to say calligraphist in Hindi and what is the meaning of calligraphist in Hindi? calligraphist Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.