English-Hindi > bungler
bungler meaning in Hindi
sound : bungler sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. In fact, April Glaspie is anything but a bungler . 2. The department and other law enforcement officials were revealed as clumsy bunglers . 3. For the most part they are thought of as bunglers . 4. William H . Macy's bungler in " Fargo," 5. Carol Blazejowksi and Richie Adubato : Geniuses or bunglers ? 6. Untested works by known playwrights _ like " The Bungler ," 7. I feel lucky that they were such bunglers . 8. Susan Solomon takes serious issue with Scott's reputation as an inexperienced bungler . 9. Everybody's a bungler , an amateur. 10. Are we a nation of failures, incapable of progress, governed by bunglers ?
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How to say bungler in Hindi and what is the meaning of bungler in Hindi? bungler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.