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bungler meaning in Hindi

bungler sentence in Hindi
1.In fact, April Glaspie is anything but a bungler.

2.The department and other law enforcement officials were revealed as clumsy bunglers.

3.For the most part they are thought of as bunglers.

4.William H . Macy's bungler in " Fargo,"

5.Carol Blazejowksi and Richie Adubato : Geniuses or bunglers?

6.Untested works by known playwrights _ like " The Bungler,"

7.I feel lucky that they were such bunglers.

8.Susan Solomon takes serious issue with Scott's reputation as an inexperienced bungler.

9.Everybody's a bungler, an amateur.

10.Are we a nation of failures, incapable of progress, governed by bunglers?

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someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence
Synonyms: blunderer, fumbler, bumbler, stumbler, sad sack, botcher, butcher, fuckup,

How to say bungler in Hindi and what is the meaning of bungler in Hindi? bungler Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.