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buckling meaning in Hindi

buckling sentence in Hindi
1.They do it for belt buckles the size of dinner platters.

2.Bakelite belt buckles at $ 5 each serve as napkin rings.

3.She leaned forward to buckle her thick shin and knee guards.

4.But without the cables, the tree would buckle and break.

5.One by one, knees buckling, we crashed on deck.

6.Without that gap, the boards would buckle when they expanded.

7.It can make a left-hander's knees buckle.

8.Right after he woke up, one of his legs buckled.

9."He's not the type to buckle under.

10.But before the group issued a finding, the utility buckled.

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How to say buckling in Hindi and what is the meaning of buckling in Hindi? buckling Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.