English-Hindi > brush
brush meaning in Hindi
pronunciation: [ brʌʃ ] sound : verb past tense: brushed verb past participle: brushed noun plural: brushes verb present participle: brushing
brush sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. Buy combs and brushes and peanut butter and crackers कंघी और ब्रश और पीनट बटर और बिस्कुट खरीदते देखा 2. A goat should be groomed every day with a soft brush . बकरियों को प्रतिदिन नरम ब्रुश से रगड़ा जाना चाहिए . 3. Replace the toothbrush when the bristles become splayed out. What's the best way to brush? दात साफ करने का बेहतरीन तरीका क्या है ? 4. What 's the best way to brush ? जब दात साफ करने के ब्रश की ब्रिस्टल्स खराब हो जाये तो वह बदल दे . 5. Begin by brushing the outside of the front teeth . आगे के दाँतों की ऊपरी सतह को पहले ब्रश करें . 6. Should I help my child to brush their teeth? क्या मैं मेरे बच्चे को दात साफ करने में मदद कर सकता/सकती हूँ? 7. Should I help my child to brush their teeth ? क्या मैं मेरे बच्चे को दात साफ करने में मदद कर सकता/सकती हूँ ? 8. After brushing , spit out and do n't rinse . दांत साफ करने के बाद वह थुंक दे , उसे मुह मे पानी डालकर मत धोइये . 9. Before I brush my teeth, I open my notebook. मुंह धोने के पहले, अपनी नोटबुक खोलता हूँ | 10. Choose brush and colors and draw. have fun! ब्रश और रंग चुनके चित्र बनाये. मजेदार है
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Meaning contact with something dangerous or undesirable; "I had a brush with danger on my way to work"; "he tried to avoid any brushes with the police" the act of brushing your hair; "he gave his hair a quick brush" Synonyms: brushing , the act of brushing your teeth; "the dentist recommended two brushes a day" Synonyms: brushing , a minor short-term fight Synonyms: clash , encounter , skirmish , a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox) an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor momentary contact Synonyms: light touch , a dense growth of bushes Synonyms: brushwood , coppice , copse , thicket ,
remove with or as if with a brush; "brush away the crumbs"; "brush the dust from the jacket"; "brush aside the objections" touch lightly and briefly; "He brushed the wall lightly" rub with a brush, or as if with a brush; "Johnson brushed the hairs from his jacket" clean with a brush; "She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet" cover by brushing; "brush the bread with melted butter" sweep across or over; "Her long skirt brushed the floor"; "A gasp swept cross the audience" Synonyms: sweep ,
How to say brush in Hindi and what is the meaning of brush in Hindi? brush Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.