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English-Hindi > bods

bods meaning in Hindi

bods sentence in Hindi
1.I can appreciate a nicely formed bod as much as anyone.

2.Typical units for this measure are in mg BOD / litre.

3.The 206th BOD resumed control of AFN Iraq in December 2010.

4.In the center's tool kit : The bod-pod.

5.The Celtics will take their bods to Miami this afternoon.

6.To be young and American and stunningly gorgeous and buff of bod.

7.Bod has just strangled and killed Elizabeth II and stolen her crown.

8.The United States includes BOD effluent limitations in its secondary treatment regulations.

9.It was featured in a Bod Man perfume TV advertisement,

10.The TSC and the BoD of ASAM approve the release.

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How to say bods in Hindi and what is the meaning of bods in Hindi? bods Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.