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bifid meaning in Hindi

bifid sentence in Hindi
1.The first two umbilical lobes are bifid, prongs being weakly developed.

2.Females frequently have a displaced and narrowed bifid clitoris, and divergent labia.

3.The points are simple, bifid, or trifid.

4.The head of the larva is very large and bifid on its summit.

5.The suture is moderately simple and has an unusually broad bifid first lateral lobe.

6.Tongue bifid at the tip and ciliated ."

7.Pink flowers, petals bifid 9 10 mm long, flowers in March June.

8.Styles are shortly united at the base, and minutely bifid at the apex.

9.This bifid variation of the muscle originates as a single structure from the zygomatic bone.

10.Terminal scute laterally compressed, with two superposed points, which are simple or bifid.

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divided into two lobes; "a bifid petal"

How to say bifid in Hindi and what is the meaning of bifid in Hindi? bifid Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.