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beguilement meaning in Hindi

beguilement sentence in Hindi
1.He also discovers how to remove a beguilement.

2.What if some of these cases turn out to be entrapment, women using their female beguilement for malevolent purposes?

3.The poem presents an allegory of the choosing, beguilement and final destruction of the poet by life or the " daimonic " power.

4.It's filled with honest feeling, atmospheric rightness and a wealth of detailing that make it a sweetly appealing screenful of beguilement on several counts.

5.It is this latter approach to aesthetic fetishism _ an enlightened beguilement ( rather like William Blake's ` wise innocence') _ that is the ideal of this book.

6.Our beguilement by " Tomb Raider " heroine Lara Croft and tennis superstar Anna Kournikova could have much to do with the fact that we usually see them with their long, gorgeously braided hair.

7.Set respectively in Italy, pre-Revolution Russia, Cambridge University at the start of the 20th century, and 19th-century Germany, their quirky beguilement is the float zigzagging as a murky form lips the fish hook 10 feet down.

8.Anthony Cookman in " The Tattler " confessed to a mild beguilement but wrote that the show's humor was " a dead horse flogged without mercy " . " The Times " ventured somewhat more positively that " While nobody would call it an original musical comedy the scenes all have the familiar freshness that springs from an uncondescending invention ".

9."Beguilement " establishes a fictional space inspired by the part of North America Bujold grew up in : the country south of the Great Lakes . ( However, this fantasy universe is not and has never been our own . ) Recovery from a grand collapse of a prior high magical culture has brought population and technology back to roughly the state of the early 19th-century American frontier minus gunpowder.

10."The Guardian's " reviewer, Alan Hollinghurst, found " Yellow Dog a disturbing book, but its opening pages create a mood of excited reassurance : Martin Amis at his best, in all his shifting registers, his drolleries and ferocities, his unsparing comic drive, his aesthetic dawdlings and beguilements, his wry, confident relish of his own astonishing effects [ . . . ] Everything Amis writes is highly structured, but Yellow Dog gives signs of quite bristling organisation, in its three parts and its subdivided and subheaded chapters.

an entertainment that provokes pleased interest and distracts you from worries and vexations
Synonyms: distraction,

magnetic personal charm
Synonyms: bewitchery, animal magnetism,

How to say beguilement in Hindi and what is the meaning of beguilement in Hindi? beguilement Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.