English-Hindi > barrow
barrow meaning in Hindi
sound : barrow sentence in Hindi
Examples 1. Barrows is covering the Fleiss trial for a cable television network.2. The best advice Barrows has isn't on the line. 3. "Barrow 's was a fine operation," 4. Barrow 's average high for the date is 5 degrees.5. At Greenwich House, 27 Barrow St ., Greenwich Village. 6. What usually fails first in a'barrow is the tray. 7. GRANGE HALL, 50 Commerce St ., at Barrow Street. 8. And I spoke with Marie Barrow , Clyde's sister. 9. Carolina cut linebacker Michael Barrow in a cost-cutting move. 10. The Stringtown gunfight was a turning point for the Barrow gang.
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How to say barrow in Hindi and what is the meaning of barrow in Hindi? barrow Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.