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English-Hindi > asphyxiation

asphyxiation meaning in Hindi

asphyxiation sentence in Hindi
1.Fish and other aquatic life are also affected by the sudden rise in pH . Presence of strong alkalis can cause asphyxiation by coagulating the gill secretions in fish .
पानी का पी एच अचानक बढ़ने से मछलियों तथा दूसरे जल जीवों का जीवन प्रभावित होता है तेज क्षार की उपस्थिति में मछलियों के गलफड़ों का स्राव जम जाने से सांस लेने में कठिनाई होती है .

killing by depriving of oxygen
Synonyms: suffocation,

the condition of being deprived of oxygen (as by having breathing stopped); "asphyxiation is sometimes used as a form of torture"
Synonyms: suffocation,

How to say asphyxiation in Hindi and what is the meaning of asphyxiation in Hindi? asphyxiation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.