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English-Hindi > arsehole

arsehole meaning in Hindi

arsehole sentence in Hindi
1.And I would spend 10 hours in Hollywood talking to arseholes.

2.I can go to my local pub and speak to arseholes there.

3.:: In other words, those arseholes who ring you around diner time.

4.He was a raging, horrendous arsehole.

5.The Reisers are " arseholes ".

6.Sounds like an arsehole to me.

7.Why don't you shut up ? " and called Noise an " arsehole ".

8.I called you an arsehole but I am very much aware that I acted like an arsehole.

9.I called you an arsehole but I am very much aware that I acted like an arsehole.

10.In an interview he said " I felt emotional with hate at what this arsehole had got away with.

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vulgar slang for anus
Synonyms: arse, asshole, bunghole,

How to say arsehole in Hindi and what is the meaning of arsehole in Hindi? arsehole Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.