Above, a woman is being embraced by a skeleton in a hideous parody of after-dinner amorousness.
Ramunes tells her that he is aware of her feeling of amorousness toward the third warrior, and, by extension, himself.
The suprasternal notch appears in the novel and 1996 film " The English Patient " as an erogenous zone and focal point of amorousness.
His ability to mimic man's best friend in a variety of moods, including belligerence and amorousness, was honed by 15 days of intense observation of neighborhood dogs, the paper said.
Keys, whose voice and keyboard skills are real, was only one of the rhythm-and-blues singers seeking to merge amorousness and everyday life, dealing with situations that didn't involve a price tag.
George Haggerty sees the pamphlet as typical of a trend in eighteenth century British discourse that blamed Italy and France for exporting sodomy to Britain; Valerie Traub notes its references to " foreign contagion . . . the criminal amorousness endemic to France and Italy . ".
How to say amorousness in Hindi and what is the meaning of amorousness in Hindi? amorousness Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.