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English-Hindi > affray

affray meaning in Hindi

affray sentence in Hindi
1.All four plead innocent to causing grievous bodily harm and affray.

2.Caveney muttered under his breath after being found guilty of affray.

3.This resulted in the Wairau Affray, where 22 settlers died.

4.The judge dismissed charges of affray after hearing the prosecution evidence.

5.The maximum sentence for affray is five years in prison.

6.They are charged with causing grievous bodily harm and affray.

7.All are charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent and affray.

8.Affray, which means fighting, was the lesser charge.

9.Woodgate was convicted on charges of affray in the incident.

10.These calls for a militia continued to grow with the Wairau Affray.

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a noisy fight
Synonyms: disturbance, fray, ruffle,

noisy quarrel
Synonyms: altercation, fracas,

How to say affray in Hindi and what is the meaning of affray in Hindi? affray Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.