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acridness meaning in Hindi

acridness sentence in Hindi
1.Two miraculous things happen when you do this : the usual dried-blood red of the onion turns a ludicrous translucent puce, and at the same time the acid of the citrus takes away that burning afterbreath acridness, to which even the best onions fall prey.

2.Lines from " Sweet Smell, " with their mix of acridness and perversely poetic use of slang, are regularly quoted by movie-loving hipsters : " Match me, Sidney, " for example, as Lancaster turns a command for Curtis to light his cigarette into a humiliating assertion of power.

the quality of being sharply disagreeable in language or tone
Synonyms: acridity,

extreme bitterness; "the acridity of alkali"
Synonyms: acridity,

How to say acridness in Hindi and what is the meaning of acridness in Hindi? acridness Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.