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acquisitivenesses meaning in Hindi

acquisitivenesses sentence in Hindi
1.Dunnigan makes studio furniture, which is his way around acquisitiveness.

2.The acquisitiveness of Eastern Canada shows little sign of abatement ."

3.And that journey led some Americans to question his acquisitiveness.

4.Inadequate food is fed to young Neimoidians in order to encourage acquisitiveness.

5.Their unparalleled acquisitiveness was nurtured by Madison Avenue.

6.She also warns against acquisitiveness, that urge to spend now and save later.

7.Parking gives the parker a sense of power and territorial acquisitiveness, although temporary.

8.Despite his reputation for acquisitiveness, he was clearly highly regarded as an administrator.

9.But Younkers'business has been difficult for more than a year, curtailing its acquisitiveness.

10.That is, to draw off the sexual essence that causes aggression, acquisitiveness and jealousy.

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How to say acquisitivenesses in Hindi and what is the meaning of acquisitivenesses in Hindi? acquisitivenesses Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.