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abrogators meaning in Hindi

abrogators sentence in Hindi
1.The remainder of the introduction then typically treats the various modes of " naskh ", " naskh "'s applicability between Sunna and Qur'n, and-in appeasement of taxonomic predilections of these authors comes out, evinced in their discussions of special verses considered " marvels " ( "'aj'ib " ) of the Qur'n, such as the verse which abrogates the greatest number of other verses ( Q . 9 : 5 ), the verse which was in effect longest until it was abrogated ( Q . 46 : 9 ), and the verse which contains both an abrogatee and its abrogator ( Q . 5 : 105 ).

How to say abrogators in Hindi and what is the meaning of abrogators in Hindi? abrogators Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.