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wet day meaning in Hindi

wet day sentence in Hindi

आर्द्र दिवस
wet    ओदापन गीलापन
day    फ़तह अवसर चौबीस
1.The reward after our long, wet day of riding was great indeed.

2.When an inch of rain falls in 24 hours, it's a wet day.

3.She mustered a smile, no easy thing on this cold, dreary, wet day.

4.Long finished 25-of-42 for 332 yards on a cold, wet day.

5.So do the high waters and wet days this month portend a'93-style flood?

6.If it was a cool, wet day, I wouldn't even go out there.

7.In 2000, there were only nine wet days while last year had just eight.

8.On really wet days, the team has had to work in a parking lot.

9.On a cold, wet day, there was relative quiet here.

10.It pretty much played its enormous length Thursday, because it was a wet day.

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How to say wet day in Hindi and what is the meaning of wet day in Hindi? wet day Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.