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walnut oil meaning in Hindi

walnut oil sentence in Hindi
अखरोट का तेल
walnut    अखरोट अखरोट की
oil    घी तेल रोगन रोग़न
1.Over the greens, sprinkle the walnut oil, vinegar and salt to taste.

2.Drizzle with additional walnut oil and grind some pepper over the top.

3.The best sarcocolla consists of crushed, white seeds, mixed with walnut oil.

4.Do the same with the olive oil, and then the walnut oil.

5.The most common ones are poppy seed oil, perilla oil, and walnut oil.

6.1 / 2 cup walnut oil, or extra virgin olive oil

7.Another fellow recommended using pure walnut oil, available at some groceries.

8.41 / 2 tablespoons olive oil ( or part walnut oil)

9.The wild rice salad benefits from an intense walnut oil vinaigrette.

10.Surround by dandelion leaves, then drizzle walnut oil over the cheese.

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oil from walnuts

How to say walnut oil in Hindi and what is the meaning of walnut oil in Hindi? walnut oil Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.