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transfer of funds meaning in Hindi

transfer of funds sentence in Hindi

निधियों का अंतरण
transfer    परिवहन स्थानांतर
of    स् का की पर बाबत
funds    धन निधि पैसा
1.;Wire transfer : A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds.

2.That includes electronic transfers of funds, money exchange-house operations and bulk cash.

3.However, sources have said that no transfer of funds actually took place.

4.Hezbollah communications, transport and transfer of funds from abroad depend on him.

5.Nevertheless the commission believes that it ( the transfer of funds ) may

6.They also talked about making transfers of funds to a New Zealand organization,

7.It is also useful for easier and faster transfer of funds.

8.E-cash will markedly lower existing barriers to the transfer of funds across borders.

9.Bakheet said it was difficult to prevent the transfer of funds for illegal uses.

10.Most IIAs additionally regulate the cross-border transfer of funds in connection with foreign investments.

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How to say transfer of funds in Hindi and what is the meaning of transfer of funds in Hindi? transfer of funds Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.