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English-Hindi > to tell you the truth

to tell you the truth meaning in Hindi

to tell you the truth sentence in Hindi
सच तो यह है
to    बन्द अवस्था में
tell    विरुद्ध जाना असर
you    तुम तू तुम्हें
the    वही यह वह वही वह
truth    साँच ईमानदारी
1.To tell you the truth : I was scared of that horse.

2.I believe that this was an accident to tell you the truth,

3.I think the beat goes on, to tell you the truth,

4.But to do so, I got to tell you the truth.

5.To tell you the truth, I work more than I talk,

6.And to tell you the truth, I need that right now.

7.I think I was pretty lucky, to tell you the truth,

8.I had real reservations about it, to tell you the truth.

9.But to tell you the truth, he looked a little forlorn.

10.To tell you the truth, the deficit is a big headache.

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How to say to tell you the truth in Hindi and what is the meaning of to tell you the truth in Hindi? to tell you the truth Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.