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tied house meaning in Hindi

tied house sentence in Hindi
प्रतिबद्ध मदिरालय
tied    लस्त बँधा हुआ
house    परिवार प्रतिष्ठान
1._Tied House, 954 Villa St . ( near Franklin Street ); 965-2739

2.The Shepherd Neame Brewery operates the Stag Inn as a tied house.

3.Most banks tie housing loan rates to their minimum lending rates ( MLR ).

4.It is a tied house owned by the Samuel Smith Brewery of Tadcaster, Yorkshire.

5.It now operates under the name " Hangleton Manor Inn " as a tied house.

6.San Fernando Valley politicians applauded Clinton's initiative for its efforts to tie housing to mass transit.

7.It was built in 1697 and in the 20th century was a Hunt Edmunds tied house.

8.It is therefore a tied house.

9.In the United Kingdom, a "'tied house "'is a free house, which is able to choose the beers it stocks freely.

10.Originally a tied house of Georges Bristol Brewery, it passed to Ushers of Trowbridge in the 1960s and then through several hands.

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How to say tied house in Hindi and what is the meaning of tied house in Hindi? tied house Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.