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English-Hindi > thematic relation

thematic relation meaning in Hindi

thematic relation sentence in Hindi

कथ्यगत संबंध
thematic    विकरणयुक्त सविकरण
relation    बयान रिश्ता
1.The term " thematic relation " is frequently confused with theta role.

2.Theta roles are a syntactic relation that refers to the semantic thematic relations.

3.The reason for this is simple : theta roles typically reference thematic relations.

4.Languages like English often mark such thematic relations with prepositions.

5.The theta roles are named by the most prominent thematic relation that they contain.

6.The top row represents the names of the thematic relations contained in the theta role.

7.In particular, theta roles are often referred to by the most prominent thematic relation in them.

8.Seven of these roles correspond to Jeffrey Gruber's thematic relations and case roles in Charles Fillmore's case grammar:

9.Typically, although not always, this theta role maps to a noun phrase which bears an agent thematic relation.

10.This is because theta roles are typically named by the most prominent thematic relation that they are associated with.

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