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testimonial evidence meaning in Hindi

testimonial evidence sentence in Hindi

लिखित साक्ष्य
testimonial    प्रमाण-पत्र भेंट
evidence    गवाही प्रमाण सबूत
1.Fifth ammendment privileges are applicable only to testimonial evidence, she told Smith.

2.There is no physical evidence, it will only be testimonial evidence.

3.Hurlbert has said he had both physical and testimonial evidence to prove the case.

4.Cargill offers convincing direct testimonial evidence that it was not involved in the conspiracy,

5.The investigating officer will, generally, review all non-testimonial evidence and then proceed to examination of witnesses.

6.In a court of law testimonial evidence is admissible yet Wikipedia does not allow it s use.

7.Gathering testimonial evidence from other individuals in the community, Mulrooney slowly begins to wonder if the mummy is real.

8.Instead, the Court distinguished between physical evidence, which could be reasonably searched and seized, and testimonial evidence, which could not.

9.Hurlbert has said he believes he has enough physical and testimonial evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

10.When he filed charges July 18, prosecutor Mark Hurlbert said he had both physical and testimonial evidence to prove the case.

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How to say testimonial evidence in Hindi and what is the meaning of testimonial evidence in Hindi? testimonial evidence Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.