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steering box meaning in Hindi

steering box sentence in Hindi

स्टीयरिंग बॉक्स
steering    परिचालन स्टीयरिंग
box    बक्स कटोरा मंजूषा
1.The Tracker had a strong front suspension with a rugged recirculating ball steering box.

2.The steering box mountings also needed to be reinforced.

3.Mechanic Sergio Diaz said the MTA used to spend $ 800 to buy power steering boxes.

4.At a chassis'first stop, workers from Iochpe-Maxion mount the gas tank, transmission lines and steering box.

5.Most mini-sprints make use of a steering box, however a few manufacturers are utilizing steering racks.

6.A steering box design, such as worm and sector or recirculating ball, is much less sensitive.

7.We changed motors, steering boxes, springs, everything.

8.Volvo supplied SAT until autumn 1935; the last delivered components were Timken axles and Ross steering boxes.

9."When you go into the componentry, obviously you can use similar axles or similar steering boxes, " he said.

10.The automotive and electrical industries use coiled pins in such products as steering boxes and columns, pumps, electric motors and circuit breakers.

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How to say steering box in Hindi and what is the meaning of steering box in Hindi? steering box Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.